The Seasons

It's like a protagonist,
Elucidating to us,
The life,the laughs
The love,the joy
The changes and moods
"oh! life is like the seasons!"

The childish sun, peeping
Out through the silver lining
Struggling to emit all its strength!
Then the cloudy days,
With the firmament,
Quite angry and frowning.
But alas!showering down
All the blessings
Up from above!

And here comes the trees
Dotted with orange,brown and yellows.
Bright, though they might seem
Are really dull days for the trees!
Colourful, though they make the streets,
Are really dark days for them!

But not so late
Comes the blooming buds,
The Mazard trees hanging with cherries:
The colourful days,
Which brings in hopes and joy,
In the young faces!

So,comes the cool side,
The windy side of all good things:
With the leafless branches,
Reaching up the long blue cloak!
The poor,running helter-skelter
For their comforts!

These are the seasons,
With reasons and
Their own justifications!

The seasons,though scattered
Remain same in our minds,
Unscattered in our memories.
For they gift  us,
The picturesque beauty of nature! 


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