The Young Girl

I saw her!
The young girl,sitting
At the corner of the street,
Begging for pennys.

Low was her threshold to cold,
Teeth stuck to each other,
Trembling like a leaf,
On a stormy night.

Abbeys walking past her,
Wearing white for easter
Facing towards the shops
Not a single look ,upon her!

The hefty ones
Gave her a crooked smile,
A weird look,
And walked along briskly.
Her mind coerced her for work,
Work made her thinner and thinner,
Bones seen outside,
Clearly and brightly.

My mom came, picked me up,
A last glimpse I gave her-
She was now far away from me
But the world still has no boundaries........


  1. Dearest Jasmine. You have beautifully drawn a picture of your emotions and what you. I am sure there must be numerous others who would have seen that girl, but not with same the eyes as yours. Keeping going like this dear. Your poems inspire me a lot; it gives the ignition to the poet in me who has gone in deep slumber. Best of luck

  2. you left me numb..beautiful especially the last line..The world still has no boudaries

  3. kunje, u r simply great..... n after some 5 months u come wth a new poem n its power, beauty.... u'r perception etc. everything is exceptional... keep writing... at u'r age writing these lines is something great or even more than dat..... all the best!!!


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