
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Ways of the World

The last time I posted something solid was on the 12th of October,2016 and guess what! 2017 is already happening and going tight.3 months might seem quite a short span of time for an ordinary man.But in the world of politics,hate speeches,wars and truces, they supply ample time if not more, for unlikely chains of events.   It was against the backdrop of thousands of people,women and children alike,dying at the arms of their own ruler in Aleppo that the mighty Donald Trump was elected  the 45th President of the US. Aleppo served as a warning  sign to US. And US was  that vegetarian example of what can happen when a ruler turns excessively aggressive that he wages a war against his own people! It was only vegetarian because what is happening right now in Syria- the war, the horror and the lust for death is not comparable to the US situation at all.But nevertheless Trump was turning against his own countrymen,(like in Syria)segregating them in terms of their ...